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WinHEC 2007 - Hybrid Hard Drives
By Chris De Herrera, 5/15/2007

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WinHEC 2007 Tablet PC and Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC)

Hybrid Hard Drives

Hard drives with built in flash storage so that you can store information in flash while the hard disk is not spinning thus reducing the amount of power required to operate your Tablet or UMPC.  The cost difference between a standard hard drive and a hybrid hard drive is expected to be about 20 to 30% higher.  Also, Seagate is expecting to ship their hybrid hard drive in 2Q2007.  Currently only available in the 2.5" hard drives.

Overview of the hybrid technology and the manufacturers of hybrid hard drives - Fujitsu, Hitach, Samsung, Seagate, Western Digital and Toshiba

Example of the increased performance of a hybrid hard drive - faster boot times.

Example Seagate hybrid hard drive

Circuit board of a hybrid hard drive with flash - this will not increase the size of the hard drive!

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